Nach-Fragen [The Inquiries]: A commission from Florian Wiegand and the Konzerthaus Dortmund for the renowned German soprano Annette Dasch (who sings Elsa at Bayreuth). A 30-minute work that sets prose passages from Christa Wolf’s 1968 novel Nachdenken über Christa T. The 17-song cycle is organized into three sections, and is punctuated by three settings of the epigraph of Wolf’s novel: “Was ist das: Dieses Zu-sich-selber-Kommen des Menschen?” (What is it: this coming-to-oneself?).
The work is dedicated to Annette Dasch, who performed it to critical acclaim during two European tours, including concerts at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Wiener Konzerthaus, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Slovenska Filharmonija, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Brucknerhaus Linz and the SWR Festspiele in Schwetzingen. The last concert was broadcast live on SWR2.